Final Program :Bloody Politics: How Princes of the House of France Shaped Political Life (1661-1848)
Here is the final program of our international conference that will take place in Trier on June 20th and 21st […]
The Enlightenment’s Ghosts, or How New Digital Methods Question Attributions to Famous Eighteenth-Century Authors.
On Thursday May 16th, Damien Tricoire and Antonina Martynenko will present a paper (16:15-17:45) The Enlightenment’s Ghosts, or How New […]
Preliminary Program :Bloody Politics: How Princes of the House of France Shaped Political Life (1661-1848)
Here is the preliminary program of our international conference that will take place in Trier on June 20th and 21st […]
Journée d’étude: Magnétismes d’hier et d’aujourd’hui
Le 1er mars prochain, Benoît Carré interviendra durant la journée d’étude Magnétismes d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, à l’IHMC (Institut d’histoire moderne […]
Séminaire hybride: Étudier la sociabilité à l’époque des Lumières: méthodes, études de cas et perspectives, 28 mars 2024, Université Côte d’Azur
Le 28 mars prochain, trois membres de l’équipes Pamphlets and Patrons présenteront leurs recherches à l’université Côte d’Azur. L’événement sera […]
Workshop on social network analysis with Markus Gamper February 9th 2024 (8:00-13:00), University of Trier
Here are the reading for the seminar Gamper, M. (2022). Social Network Theories: An Overview. In: Klärner, A., Gamper, M., […]
Potentials and Limits of Stylometry for Early Modern Texts in Romance Languages, Trier October 10th 2023
The Workshop was organised by Dr. Simon Dagenais and Dr. Joëlle Weis, in a collaboration between the Chair of Early […]
Call for papers :Bloody Politics: How Princes of the House of France Shaped Political Life (1661-1848)
We are organizing an international conference that will take place in Trier on June 20th and 21st of 2024. it […]
Workshop: Urban sociabilities & the development of a public sphere in France
We are organizing a new Workshop series : Urban sociabilities & the development of a public sphere in France (1750s-1850s). […]
Workshop series: Reinterpreting the “Grand Siècle” Courtly Games and Writing Practices in Early Modern France
We are organizing a new Workshop series : Reinterpreting the “Grand Siècle” Courtly Games and Writing Practices in Early Modern […]
Final Program :Bloody Politics: How Princes of the House of France Shaped Political Life (1661-1848)
Here is the final program of our international conference that will take place in Trier on June 20th and 21st […]
The Enlightenment’s Ghosts, or How New Digital Methods Question Attributions to Famous Eighteenth-Century Authors.
On Thursday May 16th, Damien Tricoire and Antonina Martynenko will present a paper (16:15-17:45) The Enlightenment’s Ghosts, or How New […]
Preliminary Program :Bloody Politics: How Princes of the House of France Shaped Political Life (1661-1848)
Here is the preliminary program of our international conference that will take place in Trier on June 20th and 21st […]
Journée d’étude: Magnétismes d’hier et d’aujourd’hui
Le 1er mars prochain, Benoît Carré interviendra durant la journée d’étude Magnétismes d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, à l’IHMC (Institut d’histoire moderne […]
Séminaire hybride: Étudier la sociabilité à l’époque des Lumières: méthodes, études de cas et perspectives, 28 mars 2024, Université Côte d’Azur
Le 28 mars prochain, trois membres de l’équipes Pamphlets and Patrons présenteront leurs recherches à l’université Côte d’Azur. L’événement sera […]
Workshop on social network analysis with Markus Gamper February 9th 2024 (8:00-13:00), University of Trier
Here are the reading for the seminar Gamper, M. (2022). Social Network Theories: An Overview. In: Klärner, A., Gamper, M., […]
Potentials and Limits of Stylometry for Early Modern Texts in Romance Languages, Trier October 10th 2023
The Workshop was organised by Dr. Simon Dagenais and Dr. Joëlle Weis, in a collaboration between the Chair of Early […]
Call for papers :Bloody Politics: How Princes of the House of France Shaped Political Life (1661-1848)
We are organizing an international conference that will take place in Trier on June 20th and 21st of 2024. it […]
Workshop: Urban sociabilities & the development of a public sphere in France
We are organizing a new Workshop series : Urban sociabilities & the development of a public sphere in France (1750s-1850s). […]
Workshop series: Reinterpreting the “Grand Siècle” Courtly Games and Writing Practices in Early Modern France
We are organizing a new Workshop series : Reinterpreting the “Grand Siècle” Courtly Games and Writing Practices in Early Modern […]